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    [深圳咖啡展]     更新时间:2024/4/20
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  • 欢迎访问2023深圳国际咖啡展览会 简称:深圳咖啡展,北方会展网提醒您,展会2023年时间暂未更新,如果您需要参观请联系主办方确认开展时间,提前做好出行计划,如果需要订展位可以在线提交需求,北方会展网将安排主办方招商专员和您对接,提供展位图及相关费用清单,对接过程中出现任何问题都可以第一时间请求北方会展网协助。

    深圳国际咖啡展览会CAFEEX由上海钦诺举办,举办周期为:一年一届,本届展会将在中国-深圳-深圳市福田区福华三路-深圳会展中心 福田区,展会预计展览面积达到20000平米,参展观众数量达到50000人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到300家。
    深圳国际咖啡展览会CAFEEX(深圳咖啡展,亚洲咖啡展,CAFEEX)将如约开展,现场咖啡之魂尽情燃烧三天。来到深圳,本地咖啡品牌自然当仁不让。GEE、BEAN2CUP、安文咖啡、月河咖啡、JOHANDY等都将来到现场,为深圳精品咖啡正名;还有E.T.BREWERY带来精酿啤酒,Tea Pigs带来经典英式精品茶包方等。
    近几年,越来越多经过消费者考验的优秀咖啡品牌来到深圳落地,TRUNK COFFEE、明谦咖啡、UNIUNI,他们将不同的咖啡文化带到深圳,也将带到深圳咖啡展的现场。还有其他来自全国各地的咖啡馆,咖啡烘焙品牌,咖啡器具商,咖啡学院,咖啡机品牌等都将齐聚一堂,为深圳的观众带来咖啡界的饕餮盛宴。三天展期内,我们会邀请十余位业内大咖与大家分享**新行业情报与产业动态,从咖啡冲煮、产地直击、烘焙理念分享到器具设计、品牌营销,网罗行业热点,聚焦热点项目,在CAFEEX精品咖啡论坛,一起为中国咖啡产业助力!

    咖啡 、茶 、 饮料: 咖啡生豆、咖啡原豆、胶囊咖啡、速溶咖啡、瓶/灌装咖啡、挂耳咖啡、咖啡包、茶叶、茶包、花茶、果茶、果汁、酒类、饮料
    烘焙甜品: 冰淇淋、蛋糕、面包、饼干、巧克力、布丁、奶昔,甜点
    配料: 咖啡伴侣、牛奶、糖、巧克力、芝士、油、浓缩果汁
    咖啡器具、茶具、道具: 咖啡专用器具、茶具、摩卡壶、法压壶、爱乐压、咖啡壶、虹吸壶、手冲壶、 滤杯、滤纸、冰淇咖啡器具、其他咖啡器具、道具、咖啡杯、茶杯、茶器具、茶壶、其他茶器具、道具
    咖啡机、 加工生产设备: 意式咖啡机、手动咖啡机、半自动咖啡机、全自动咖啡机、胶囊咖啡机、改装咖啡机、其他各种咖啡机、去皮机、筛选机、磨豆机、净水器、烘焙机、吧台厨房家电、咖啡自动贩卖机

    Shenzhen International Coffee Exhibition, due to the uncontrollable nature of the exhibition, may appear subject matter changes, delays or cancellations, before the exhibition visit please contact the organizers to verify! Follow the convention number to learn about the event.

    Shenzhen International Coffee Exhibition CAFEEX is held by Shanghai Qino, the annual cycle is: once a year, the exhibition will be in China - Shenzhen - Shenzhen Futian District Fuhua Three Road - Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center Futian District, the exhibition is expected to reach 20,000 square meters, the number of exhibitors reached 50,000 people, the number of exhibitors and the number of exhibitors reached 300 brands.
    Shenzhen International Coffee Exhibition CAFEEX (Shenzhen Coffee Show, Asian Coffee Show, CAFEEX) will be launched as expected, the soul of live coffee burning for three days. Come to Shenzhen, the local coffee brand naturally don't let. GEE, BEAN2CUP, Anwen Coffee, Moon River Coffee, JOHANDY, etc. will all come to the scene, for the Shenzhen boutique coffee, as well as E.T. BREWERY to bring craft beer, Tea Pigs to bring classic British boutique tea bags and so on.
    In recent years, more and more excellent coffee brands that have been tested by consumers have come to Shenzhen, TRUNK COFFEE, Mingqian Coffee, UNIUNI, they will bring different coffee culture to Shenzhen, will also bring to the scene of the Shenzhen Coffee Show. There are other coffee shops from all over the country, coffee roasting brands, coffee appliances vendors, coffee colleges, coffee machine brands, etc. will come together to bring the audience in Shenzhen to the coffee industry feast. During the three-day exhibition period, we will invite more than ten industry big curry to share the latest industry information and industry dynamics, from coffee brewing, direct hit, baking concept to apparatus design, brand marketing, network industry hot spots, focus on hot projects, in CAFEEX boutique coffee forum, together for the Chinese coffee industry to help!
    |||||||||||||||| 来自北方会展网的更多信息 ||||||||||||||||
    信息来源:会展号 浏览:26120次
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