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  • 今天是2024年4月20日 星期六 这里是上海国际农用化学品及植保展览会CAC预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。北方会展网提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。北方会展网祝您参展愉快!


    主办单位: 中国国际贸易促进委员会化工行业分会

    举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:73000平方 展商数量:1300家 观众数量:35000人

    “第十八届中国国际农用化学品及植保展览会”,“第十八届中国国际农化装备及植保器械展览会”,以及“第八届中国国际新型肥料展览会”于2017年3月1-3日在上海新国际博览中心圆满落幕。展览会使用上海新国际博览中心6个展馆,打造了集农药、肥料、种子、非农用药、生产包装设备、植保器械、物流、咨询、实验室及配套服务等为一体的贸易交流合作平台。来自30个国家和地区的1336家企业, 与上届展览会相比,本届展览会参展企业数增加10%;展览面积达到73000平方米增长15%。其中,海外展商覆盖澳大利亚、巴西、俄罗斯、法国、韩国、荷兰、马来西亚、美国、日本、瑞士、泰国、土耳其、意大利、印度、印尼、英国、越南、中国中国台湾等30多个国家和地区、超过90家海外企业参展,印度、韩国、土耳其、越南均以国家展团集中展示,国际关注持续升温。3月1日~3日展会期间,来自全球一百多个国家的近三万人次的专业人士前来参观洽谈。展会期间N5馆举办的海外展团推介会海外展团推介区和肥料新产品、新技术发布区,更是人气指数直线飙升。

    三月正值农化产品需求旺季,作为全球**大的农用化学品展会,参展企业也将展会前后作为重要提价窗口,CAC的影响力可见一斑。CAC展览会奖不仅是对企业自身卓越表现的褒扬,更是表彰他们对行业发展所做出的贡献。在展览会开幕前一天举办的CAC开幕晚宴上揭晓了2016年中国农药出口前二十强企业,颁发了2015海外市场拓展奖。同时也对CAC 2017推荐供应商、2016肥料优秀出口商对这些行业领军企业进行了表彰。这些企业不断优化产品结构,加大国际市场拓展力度,保持在全球行业的供给侧优势。

    CAC展会期间举办了多场精彩的高端论坛,“第十一届中国农药工业发展国际论坛”、“第九届世界农药科技与应用发展学术交流会 (福华交流会)”、“第七届中国国际非农用农药研讨会”、“第三届种子处理技术国际研讨会”、“第六届中国国际生物防治技术发展论坛”以及“肥料发展与贸易论坛”等10场国际市场报告会和学术研讨交流会,嘉宾阵容强大、大腕云集,已经成为每年思想碰撞的巅峰之会。会议邀请多位全球著名专家与众多企业领军人物为农化行业把脉,为企业发展谋策。


    农药: 杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂等化学农药及中间体;生物农药,生态农药;农药生产加工工艺技术 。

    肥料: 氮肥、磷肥、钾肥、复合肥等化学肥料;海藻肥、生物肥、叶面肥、缓释肥、微量元素肥、腐殖酸肥料等新型专用肥料 。植保与农用生物工程技术植物生长调节剂、转基因产品及其它农用生物工程生产技术;用于园林及花卉的相关产品及工程技术;介质土、土壤添加剂、营养剂、泥炭、竹炭及相关生产技术与设备等 。

    农用机械,园林及花卉专用机械、设备: 农化产品生产设备、喷施设备器材、农用塑料、农用机械;园林花卉用剪草机、割灌机、喷药机、灌溉设备及相关包装机械设备

    农用塑料: 棚膜、地膜、遮阳网、防虫网等现代农用覆盖材料;穴盘、苗盘、水稻育秧钵体软盘等育苗容器;塑料节水灌溉器材 。
    Organizer: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Chemical Industry Branch

    Period: Annual Exhibition Area: 73,000 square exhibitors Number: 1300 Audiences: 35,000 people
    The China International Agrochemicals and Plant Protection Exhibition (CAC), organized by the Chemical Industry Branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, is held in Shanghai every March. First held in 1999, CAC has become the world's largest agrochemicals exhibition after 18 years of rapid development, and in 2012 received UFI certification. The exhibition is the world's agrochemical industry set new products display, technical exchanges, trade negotiations as one of the most important trade exchange and cooperation platform, is the most professional, the most active transaction of agrochemicals exhibition, China's agrochemical enterprises to the world window, as well as the global agrochemicals annual industry gathering.

    The 18th China International Agrochemicals and Plant Protection Exhibition, the 18th China International Agricultural Equipment and Plant Protection Equipment Exhibition, and the 8th China International New Fertilizer Exhibition were successfully concluded at the Shanghai New International Expo Center on March 1-3, 2017. Using 6 pavilions of Shanghai New International Expo Center, the exhibition has created a platform for trade exchange and cooperation in the fields of pesticides, fertilizers, seeds, non-agricultural drugs, production and packaging equipment, plant protection equipment, logistics, consulting, laboratory and supporting services. From 30 countries and regions, 1336 enterprises, compared with the previous exhibition, the number of exhibitors increased by 10%, the exhibition area reached 73,000 square meters increased by 15%. Among them, overseas exhibitors covering Australia, Brazil, Russia, France, South Korea, the Netherlands, Malaysia, the United States, Japan, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Italy, India, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, Vietnam, Taiwan and other more than 30 countries and regions, more than 90 overseas enterprises exhibiting, India, South Korea, Turkey, Vietnam are focused on the national exhibition, international attention continues to heat up. During the March 1-3 exhibition, nearly 30,000 professionals from more than 100 countries from around the world came to visit to discuss. During the exhibition, the N5 Pavilion held overseas pavilion promotion area and fertilizer new products, new technology release area, but also the popularity index soared.

    March coincides with the peak demand for agrochemical products, as the world's largest agrochemicals exhibition, exhibitors will also be before and after the exhibition as an important price increase window, CAC's influence can be seen. The CAC Exhibition Award is not only a tribute to the outstanding performance of enterprises themselves, but also a recognition of their contribution to the development of the industry. At the CAC Opening Dinner held the day before the opening of the exhibition, China's top 20 pesticide export companies were announced in 2016 and the 2015 Overseas Market Development Award was presented. At the same time, CAC 2017 recommended suppliers, 2016 fertilizer outstanding exporters of these industry leaders were recognized. These enterprises continue to optimize the product structure, increase the international market expansion efforts, to maintain the global industry's supply-side advantage.

    During the CAC exhibition, a number of exciting high-end forums were held, including the 11th China Pesticide Industry Development International Forum, the 9th World Academic Exchange on Pesticide Science and Technology and Applied Development (Fuhua Exchange), the 7th China International Non-Agricultural Pesticides Seminar, the 3rd International Symposium on Seed Treatment Technology, the 6th China International Bio-Control Technology Development Forum and the Fertilizer Development and Trade Forum has become the pinnacle of the annual collision of ideas. The conference invited a number of world-renowned experts and many business leaders for the agro-chemical industry, for enterprise development strategy.

    After the grind, CAC International Agricultural Exhibition continues to expand in size, increasing international influence. The 2018 exhibition will be held from March 7-9 at the New International Expo Center N1-N5 and E7 in Shanghai. A world-oriented, more merchants, larger-scale exhibition, look forward to meeting you again!

    The scope of the exhibits
    Pesticides: Chemical pesticides and intermediates such as pesticides, fungicides and herbicides;

    Fertilizers: nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, compound fertilizer and other chemical fertilizers; Plant protection and agricultural bioengineering technology plant growth regulators, genetically modified products and other agricultural bioengineering production technology; Related products and engineering techniques for gardens and flowers; Media soil, soil additives, nutrients, peat, bamboo charcoal and related production technology and equipment.

    Agricultural machinery, gardens and flowers special machinery, equipment: agricultural products production equipment, spraying equipment, agricultural plastics, agricultural machinery;

    Agricultural plastics: shed film, film, shade net, insect net and other modern agricultural covering materials;

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 上海农用化学品展  
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