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    [会员:]   发布时间:2021/10/9 11:25:09

    为继续和更好地推动餐饮美食健康发展,2022第八届上海国际特色餐饮美食加盟展览会将于2022年6月23日至25日在上海世贸展览馆隆重举行!大会展览面积50000平方米,将超过800家优质品牌盛大展出,近6万人次到场参观考察。是餐饮品牌招募加盟商、抢占市场及投资者寻找餐饮加盟项目直接有效的接洽平台 。在此诚挚邀请各餐饮连锁品牌积**参与进来 ,共享餐饮亿万商机 ,我们期待你的参与 !

    主题餐饮:中式快餐 、简餐 、西式快餐 、正餐 、火锅 、面馆、寿司、 料理、 早餐 、下午茶等 ;
    饮品甜食:咖啡、 奶茶、 甜品 、冰淇淋 、鲜榨果汁、 水吧、 茶坊酒吧 、酒水饮料、 烘焙面包蛋糕 、芝士等人气美食 ;
    休闲食品:休闲零食、卤水熟食、 串串香、 烧烤、 章鱼烧、 手抓饼、 糖果、 薯条等休闲美食;
    特色小吃:鸡排 、鸭脖、 各地特色美食、 酸辣粉 、麻辣烫、 风味土特产 、清真餐饮等 ;
    餐饮服务:O2O解决方案、连锁管理系统 、视频监控系统 、外卖系统 、订餐软件 、管理咨询等餐饮服 务商、原料供应商等;

    2022 8th Shanghai International Special food and beverage to join the exhibition, due to the uncontrollable nature of the exhibition, may appear subject matter changes, delays or cancellations, before the exhibition visit please contact the organizers to verify! Follow the convention number to learn about the event.

    China's catering industry has always been regarded as the "King of the Hundred Industries" this food exhibition focuses on the development of restaurant chain management, promote the rapid development of the restaurant chain and restaurant industry chain upstream and downstream, for investors to create more entrepreneurial and employment opportunities, while for global catering suppliers and service providers to build a large Chinese restaurant chain franchisees, suppliers, distributors and wholesalers to negotiate direct procurement and trading platform. Shanghai as a window to rely on the strong consumer demand in the Chinese market, for China's catering industry to build a professional, effective and cost-effective investment and display platform.
    In order to continue and better promote the healthy development of food and beverage, the 8th Shanghai International Special Food And Beverage Franchise Exhibition will be held from June 23 to 25, 2022 at the Shanghai World Trade Center! The exhibition area of 50,000 square meters, will be more than 800 high-quality brands grand exhibition, nearly 60,000 visitors to visit. Is the catering brand recruitment franchisee, seize the market and investors looking for catering franchise projects direct and effective contact platform. In this sincere invitation to the restaurant chain brands actively participate in the sharing of food and beverage billions of business opportunities, we look forward to your participation!


    信息来源:会展号 浏览:19108次
    信息标签:上海特色餐饮展 2022上海美食加盟展会2022上海美食展会
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