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    英国欧洲威凯展台搭建(伦敦) WinMaxLondon Exhibition Stand Con
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    [展会时间轴]  发布时间:2021/3/22 10:29:41
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  • 展会时间:2021年07月16~17日 展会地点:中国-上海



    CPhI新药研发与CMC高峰论坛在中国 - 上海 举行;

    主办单位: 中国医药保健品进出口商会、上海博华展览有限公司

    举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:20000平方 展商数量:300家 观众数量:20000人
    近年来,在国家创新驱动战略引领下,医药生态环境发生巨变,正引领中国医药产业发展进入创新新时代。历经新冠肺炎疫情的洗礼,中国医药产业决胜 ,以创新为引擎,实现“十三五”圆满收官。回顾2020,我国批准了14个一类创新药,再创新高。本土创新药海外授权交易近20项,逐渐走向常态化,国际化进程稳步向前。中国自主创新,向世界展示了真实力,也跑出了新速度。面对竞争格局的改变,创新门槛的提高,若要在高层次的竞争中脱颖而出,唯有持续加码创新技术,深度挖掘潜力价值,以患者的临床需求为中心,以差异化研发才能寻求新突破 往届系列会议演讲嘉宾(排名不分先后)。为此,为助力中国医药企业持续创新,顺势而为更上一层楼,CPhI China启动“思享会”——2021新药研发与CMC高峰论坛,以“激荡大时代,扬帆新十年”为主题,邀请中国医药创新领袖们共同探讨新时代的医药创新,聚焦前沿,研讨战略,分享干货,夯实基础。新的一年,CPhI“思享会”将与中国医药行业创新发展相伴而行。CPhI“思享会”是由中国医药保健品进出口商会联合上海博华国际展览有限公司共同打造的服务于中国医药产业、聚焦医药创新的价值分享平台。CPhI China 已成为中国制药业界人士的年度盛会,而CPhI“思享会”将汇聚医药创新专属人群,为医药创新“思享者”传递新思想,激发新活力,聚力新发展。


    论坛相关: 小分子新药立项、设计与开发;生物大分子药立项、设计与开发;药用包装与辅料政策分析;制药企业、生物科技公司、CRO/CDMO企业、学术及科研机构、高等院校、政府部门、行业协会、投资/律所/咨询机构、技术及解决方案提供商

    Organizers: China Medical and Health Products Import and Export Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai Bohua Exhibition Co., Ltd

    Period: Annual Exhibition Area: 20,000 square exhibitors Number: 300 Number of visitors: 20,000 people

    In recent years, under the guidance of the national innovation-driven strategy, the pharmaceutical ecological environment has under changed dramatically and is leading the development of China's pharmaceutical industry into a new era of innovation. After the baptism of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, China's pharmaceutical industry won, with innovation as the engine, to achieve the "13th Five-Year" successful conclusion. Looking back on 2020, China approved 14 first-class innovative drugs, and then a new high. Local innovative drugs overseas licensing transactions nearly 20, gradually towards normal, the internationalization process is steadily forward. China's independent innovation, to show the world the real power, but also ran out of a new speed. Facing the change of competition pattern, the improvement of innovation threshold, in order to stand out in the high-level competition, only continue to add code innovation technology, deeply tap the potential value, to patients' clinical needs as the center, to differentiated research and development can seek a new breakthrough in previous series of conference speakers (ranked in no order). To this end, in order to help Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises continue to innovate, homeopathically and to a higher level, CPhI China launched the "Thinking And Enjoy" - 2021 New Drug Research and Development and CMC Summit Forum, with the theme of "Exciting the Great Era, Sailing the New Decade", inviting Chinese pharmaceutical innovation leaders to discuss the new era of pharmaceutical innovation, focus on the frontier, discuss strategies, share dry goods, solid foundation. In the new year, CPhI Will be accompanied by innovation and development in china's pharmaceutical industry. CPhI "Enjoy" is a value-sharing platform created by the China Medical and Health Products Import and Export Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd. to serve the Chinese pharmaceutical industry and focus on pharmaceutical innovation. CPhI China has become an annual event for the pharmaceutical industry in China, and the CPhI "Thinking Fair" will bring together the exclusive crowd of pharmaceutical innovation, for pharmaceutical innovation "thinkers" to convey new ideas, stimulate new vitality, focus on new development.

    The scope of the exhibits

    Forum related: small molecule new pharmaceutical projects, design and development, biomoglyte pharmaceutical projects, design and development, pharmaceutical packaging and accessories policy analysis, pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, CRO/CDMO enterprises, academic and scientific research institutions, institutions of higher learning, government departments, industry associations, investment/law firms/advisory bodies, technology and solutions providers


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